

So I’m back after a two week sabbatical. Had a very busy and eventful couple weeks, for instance I graduated with a 2:1 in English Literature. I know! If you’ve read my previous blogs you’re probably thinking, “Really? This obnoxious, foul-mouthed buffoon has a degree in English?” But these blogs are not meant to be literary masterpieces. Just an outlet for my thoughts and opinions that hopefully some of you may relate to or find funny for whatever reason.

I had a good time at graduation. I was wearing a Jacobean kilt; much better looking than the waistcoats and cravats that one usually sees. Plus it was hot enough with just my one layer on, never mind three. It actually got so hot in the waiting area that I started to feel a headache coming on and went on to feel very ill. We had a meal booked at a very nice restaurant called Vitoria’s booked so I knew I needed to do whatever I could to make myself better. So we barely hung about for the garden party and headed back to Edinburgh. In my Dad’s van I was ever so close to chundering all over the place and he could sense that, my face being sheet white he said and so he prepared a bag for me. Luckily I fell asleep for most of the journey, felt better but still shit so when I got in the house immediately went upstairs and forced myself to be sick – bulimic style – fingers in the mouth and this brown liquid poured out. After that I lay down for 20 minutes, felt awesome and went on to have a lovely meal with 13 of my family members.

Been a great two weeks for sports. Wimbledon fortnight which as a huge tennis fan I love, and of course the World Cup continuing to entertain. However, the excitement of the WC has completely shifted. Instead of being goals galore like the group stage we now have 90 minutes of excruciatingly boring shit, to then be followed by 30 minutes of pure adrenaline. Case in point; the USA losing to Belgium. Felt so gutted for they guys. They gave it their all, got further than they were expected to and played some really good football to boot. I’m from Scotland and we had a friendly with the USA that ended 0-0 a while back and we got a somewhat of a slagging. Doesn’t seem like a bad fucking result now huh? France 2016 here we come!

Speaking of Scotland Andy Murray was disappointing huh? Usually what happens with Andy is he starts of a bit slow in the slams and builds himself up match-by-match getting better and better. But this time he started off insanely fucking awesome and then had nothing left. Against Dimitrov it was like he had no fight! It was unreal. However, lets not take away from Dimitrov who is playing ridiculously good tennis the now. He pushed Djokovic really hard. Should have taken him to five sets but Djokovic being the guy he is fights to the end and got the job done. And lets mention Rafael Nadal’s conqueror Nick Kyrgios. Dude played an unbelievable match but what about that serve though? It’s got the accuracy of Pat Rafter but with an added 20mph. It’s sick. And the dude is only 19! When was the last time teenager stepped up on the big stage to show off their talent and beat a bona fide champion? So refreshing to see. I think this guy is gonna be a major player over the next decade. Future Wimbledon champ, and hopefully Aussie Open champion. Would be great to see an Aussie to win their own open since they haven’t had a winner since 1976.

Sadly that’s all I’ve got for this week. I may add in another short blog later in the week since this one is so short. Maybe fish around some of the celebrity news to pass judgement on. Until then, watch this space. Peace out fuckers.

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